Thursday, January 21, 2010

‡ Last Week of 3rd Term ‡

Akhirnya gw nge-post lagi hari ini.

Ehem, ehem...

Yap, minggu ini adalah minggu terakhir kuliah gw di semester 3.
Besok adalah hari terakhir gw kuliah;
ditutup dengan UAP Programming yang sampai detik ini belom gw pelajari. :|

Minggu depan ujian akhir semester gw sudah dimulai;
perjuangan gw bwt dapat nilai di detik-detik terakhir dimulai. Hiyah~
Masih banyak tugas gw juga yang menanti.

Ga boleh ngeluh,
ga boleh putus asa,
ga boleh emosian.

Time goes so fast.

I still remember the first day I went into 03PHM.
And tomorrow will be the last day I have with them in class 03PHM,
for ordinary college day.

Unique class. :)

A lot of things to do.
A lot of things I've learned.
A lot of things to think.

Humm, akhir-akhir ini sedikit gampang emosian,
gampang kepancing jadi ngambek dan cepet BT,
ga tau kenapa...
padahal lagi ga ada masalah yang mengganjal hati koq.

Thanks temen2 gw tetep mensupport gw yang ga jelas ini.
Bersyukur banget dah. :)

Be better as best as possible... again!

+Lyrics of the day+
Sometimes the very thing you're looking for
Is the one thing you can't see
Sometimes the snow comes down in June
Sometimes the sun goes 'round the moon
Just when I thought our chance had passed
You'd go and save the best for last
You went and saved the best for last
(Save The Best for The Last by Vanessa Williams)

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