Saturday, January 09, 2010

‡ Begin Again ‡

One of the best things we can do in our lives is this:
Begin again.

Begin to see yourself as you were,
When you were the happiest and strongest you've ever been.

Begin to remember what worked for you
(and what worked against you),
And try to capture the magic again.

Begin to remember how natural it was when you were a child --
To live a lifetime each day.

Begin to forget the baggage you have carried with you
For years:
The problems that don't matter anymore,
The tears that cried themselves away,
And the worries that are going to wash away
On the shore of tomorrow's new beginnings.

Tomorrow tells us it will be here every new day of our lives;
And if we will be wise,
We will turn away from the problems of the past
And give the future -- and ourselves -- a chance
To become the best of friends.

Sometimes all it takes is a wish in the heart to let yourself ..
Begin again.


Dikutip dari Afterhours Inspirational Stories,
dari renungan di atas,
lagi-lagi gw ga comment banyak...

Hanya berharap semoga bacaan di atas berguna bwt kalian;
hidup dan memulai langkah baru. :)

Hidup gw akhir-akhir ini lagi serba dipertanyakan,
serba aneh dan membingungkan,
dan gw mungkin memang harus memulai awal yang baru lagi.

Mencoba sebahagia mungkin, sekuat mungkin,
menghadapi masa depan sebaik mungkin demi diri sendiri dan orang lain.

Well, mungkin dah beberapa hari yah gw ga update blog gw ini,
dan bwt besok2 pun mungkin gw bakal agak jarang update sementara waktu.

Wish everything will be better in time. :)

+Lyrics of the day+
Oh, this is not the way that it shouldn't
It's the way it should begin
It's the way it should begin again
No, I never wanna fall apart,
Never wanna break your heart
Never wanna let you break my own
Yes, I know we've said a lot of things
That we probably didn't mean
But it's not too late to take them back

So, before you say you're gonna go
I should probably let you know
That I never knew what I had
I never knew what I had
(Begin Again by Colbie Caillat)

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