Tuesday, February 10, 2009

‡ Old City Journey ‡

Phew, akhirnya tadi gw, Carter, Kiki, David (Dadank), Sandy, Willy, dan Mario menuju Kota Tua bareng2,

ke Museum Fatahillah keliling2 dan foto2,
terus akhirnya menuju ke TA d.

Makan, keliling2, macem2 d.. wkwk.
Gk banyak sih yang gw ceritain di sini,
tapi lumayan lah pengalaman gw keliling2 pokoknya.. :D

besok gw istirahat d pokoknya, trus nanti tgl 12 rapat besar d.. Huhua..

Kali ini gw sertain foto bareng di Kota Tua tadi ama foto kemarin di studio yah.. Hehe.

Old City

Photo Studio

+Lyrics of the day+
Recounts and recollections,
Arguments and objections
Make a connection, open your eyelid
scan the horizon
Waking to dream with the brave and defiant
(Recounts and Recollections by From Autumn to Ashes)

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