Sunday, April 18, 2010

‡ Some Quotes ‡

Baru menyadari gituh kalau tahun 2010 ini postingan gw jauh berkurang dibanding kemarin;

total postingan selama hampir 4 bulan ini baru 50an,
yang berarti 1 bulan itu gw cuman posting ga sampe 20an. :|

Harus lebih rajin nih;
tapi rajin bwt yang lain-lain juga sih pastinya. Hehe.
Semangat kuliah,
semangat HIMSISFO,
semangat menjalani hidup! :D

Hari ini mau share beberapa quote gw sendiri yang suka gw pajang di Tumblr gw de. Hehe.

Have a good life, people. :)

"You always there for me in the past…
now let me be there for you."
"When I walk on,
I will never turn back to see you again…
I will see you in the end of my journey,
because you are my destination."
"Whatever you do, don’t do things that will hurt you…
As long as you’re happy with it, do it."
"I’ll be happy as long as you’re happy…
but until the right time, I’ll bury all of these feelings deep inside my heart alone."
"Life is not an ordinary thing when you try to live it in extra-ordinary ways."

+Lyrics of the day+
Sing them over again to me wonderful words of life
Let me more of their beauty see wonderful words of life
Words of life and beauty teach me thinking beauty
(Wonderful Words of Life by Eddy Arnold)

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