Saturday, December 20, 2008

‡ Last Campus Day on 2008 ‡

Yap, seperti judul
post gw ini,
hari ini adalah hari terakhir gw menjalani kuliah untuk tahun 2008.

Liburan dimulai tanggal 24 Desember sampai 4 Januari;
tapi berhubung kelas gw libur hari Senin dan Selasa,
mulai besok gw dah libur dan baru masuk tanggal 7. =p

Hari ini gw cuman ada lab algo sampai jam 9;
KSI nya OFC jadi gw leha2,
k TA bentar trus k Roxy bwt urusan,
jam 2an gituh maen badminton d ama anak2 HIMSISFO.

Sempet maen bentar sih,
hasilnya sekarang tangan kanan gw pege2 uy.. haha.

Anyway, akhirnya gw udh beli Persona 4 yang USA Version kemaren.
Yah not bad lah bwt hiburan gw selama liburan. =p

Entah apa yang perlu gw lakukan slama liburan.
Harusnya gw belajar x yak,
berhubung abis masuk tgl 27 dah kudu siap UAS. Huhu

Hari ini singkat ajah yah..
Pegel uy, ngantuk pula. Haha.

I will visit my campus again next year. =p

+Lyrics of the day+
Give us this day
Our daily bread
You said you would
Supply all my needs
According to your riches
I have but to ask
And I shall receive

To go from here
And share this love
You gave to me
To show someone who is lost
And help them find their way
See the way to truth and faith
So they can be free

Be free like me
Be free like me

Oh Lord, we need your love
Oh Lord, we need your peace
Oh Lord, we need your joy
On this day

Thank you, Lord
I thank you for this day.
(This Day by Whitney Houston)

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