Tuesday, September 15, 2009

‡ Don't ‡

Don't think that no ones loved you,
because they've turned away.

Don't feel they didn't care for you,
because they couldn't stay.

Don't damn the world for not returning
the love
you feel you've given.

Don't hate the One that you were yearning for,
because He couldn't make a commitment.

Just think of Him as experience,
and think how much you've grown.

Think of Him as the sacred prince
who placed you on a throne.

Think of all your times together,
feeling closer since you're apart.

Think of your plans of now and forever,
and hold them in your heart.

And don't let yourself feel so much hate
when He's no longer your other.

For when you're both at Heaven's gate,
that Man will be your Brother.


Dikutip dari Afterhours Inspirational Stories,
sebelumnya pengen minta maaf karena akhir-akhir ini gw gk serajin dulu y update blognya... :)

Hari ini membahas soal cinta yang universal.
Pengen mengingatkan kita semua,
kalau di saat seperti apapun,
di saat sesulit dan semenyedihkan apapun,
jangan menganggap tidak ada yang mendampingi kita.

Tuhan selalu ada untuk kita,
mencintai dan menyayangi kita sebagaimanapun sikap kita terhadap-Nya.
Kadang kita melupakan keberadaan-Nya saat kita bahagia.

Saat sulit, terkadang kita malah menyalahkan dunia karena masalah yang melanda kita.
Bersyukurlah atas apa yang terjadi dalam hidup kita,
karena kita masih hidup di dunia ini.

Hidup mungkin tidak seindah apa yang selalu kita bayangkan,
tetapi Tuhan selalu ada untuk kita...

Dia mencintai kita,
menyayangi dan memperhatikan kita,
memberikan apa yang kita butuhkan,
membimbing kita menjalani hidup,
dan hingga akhir mengharapkan kebahagiaan kita. :)

Thanks, God,
for this wonderful life
. :)

Hari ini mau ngasih sebuah foto yang diambil waktu ketemu dengan Ken The Master season 4. :D

+Lyrics of the day+
Beautiful is Your creation
You're glorious in every way
You surround us with
Your faithful love
And we can trust in all You say

Wonderful God
Wonderful O God

You are worthy of all glory
All honour and praise
All to You our God
Forever and always
You are worthy of our worship
And worthy of our love
We stand in awe of
All You are

You are love
You are life
You are all glorious
You are love
You are life
You are all glorious
(Wonderful God by Hillsong)

2 issues:

Fredy Jingga said...

Erlia.. Artikel ini mantep

Gw COpy Artikel yang ini yak :)

Erlia Eleciel said...

sure! :)

Thanks for reading! :D