Saturday, September 12, 2009

‡ A True Real Friend ‡

True real friends double your happiness and half your burdens.
Basically how you would like a true real friend to be,
you should be like this to your true friends.

Trust, forgiveness, accountability are some ingredients of a true friend.
True friendships are hard to come by.

And what's more, life is short.
So treasure these friends if you have already have them.

If you don't continue to search,
because once you have them,
life becomes so much easier to live,
no matter what happens.

I have been through pretty rough patches and I dare say,
without my friends I would not have made it.

Friendships need lots of energy and patience to maintain them.
Not to mention time too.

When your friend needs you,
sometimes when things are not going too well on your side,
it is often so easy to turn a deaf ear to their pleas.

It is especially during these times,
that you must find the strength in you to help your friend.
And it is during these times that your friendship will be forged and made stronger.

And you must always be happy for their successes,
even when things are not going too well on your side.
It might be hard to do for some people but it is something that you need to learn.

Think about all the sacrifices your friend has made for you
and all the times when he or she was happy for you despite his or her own troubles.

Think about all the happy times you all enjoyed
and the sad, rough times you all went through together.
That should give you sufficient patience to actually be a true friend for them.

Remember, true friends are the next best thing to family.
They will always be your pillar of support no matter what.



Dikutip dari Love Stories | Inspirational Stories | Famous Quotes,
hari ini pengen membahas soal persahabatan.

Terus kayaknya buat selanjutnya, gw bakal jarang deh menerjemahkan artikel yang dah gw pilih.
Bukan karena unsur malas yaaa.. Haha.
Biar lebih enak ajah baca maknanya,
daripada gw salah nerjemahin. Hihi. :P

Sahabat sejati, teman terbaik,
siapa sih yang tidak senang memiliki sahabat yang menghiasi hidupnya? :)

Hidup tidak akan terasa sedemikian indah tanpa sahabat yang memenuhi hidup sehari-hari kita.
Canda, tawa, sedih, dan berbagai perasaan lainnya.

Menumpahkan kesedihan lewat curhat kepada sahabat,
entah lewat telepon atau sms.

Menceritakan tentang orang yang kita sukai atau kemenangan kita dalam suatu hal,
mendengar mereka tertawa dan ikut berbahagia bersama kita.

Berkumpul bersama, menonton bioskop, bermain bersama.
Menceritakan kejadian yang dialami selama tidak bersama.
Menghabiskan waktu selama mungkin dalam sehari penuh.

Semua kesedihan rasanya menghilang saat kita dan sahabat tertawa bersama.
Ingat, hidup itu singkat,
jadi nikmati kebahagiaanmu dan jangan malah mencari-cari kesedihan. :)

Persahabatan tidak terjalin dengan mudah;
kita tahu itu.
Hanya butuh kesabaran dan kesungguh hati.

Berbahagia saat mereka berbahagia,
walaupun mungkin situasi kita tidak tepat untuk berbahagia.
Tapi tersenyumlah karena kebahagiaan mereka. :)

Buat semua teman-teman terbaik gw,
dari SD Hati Kudus,

SMP Bunda Hati Kudus,

SMA Regina Pacis Jakarta,

BiNus University,

dan yang pasti HIMSISFO...

Terima kasih telah hadir dalam hidup gw. :)

Buat Agatha, Hilda, dan Livia...
Best friends always... :)

Buat Brenda dan Shandy,
one pack always... :)

Maaf kalau terkadang gw gk mampu menjadi sahabat yang baik buat kalian. :)

"If I had to sum up Friendship in one word, it would be Comfort."
(Adabella Radici)

+Lyrics of the day+
Hello friend,
I know you're smiling but believe it,
Don't have to pretend.
I know at times it seems your broken heart
Might never mend,
Hello friend.

Hello girl,
I had lost my faith in human kind,
Until your call.
It's nice to know you've been there for me
Through it all,
Hello girl.

Hello friend.

It is strange, the things you'll go through,
Till you finally realize (You will realize),
That the things you need the most are always
Right before your eyes (Before your eyes).
And the truth is always something
You would never know is true.
I guess I can't deny it, no you can't deny it.
I really need you.

Hello friend,
I never had the chance to say,
How much I really miss,
The things I'm finding so hard now, I can't resist.
Hello friend.

Hello girl, Things were better from the day
You came into my life.
And everything I need to know is in your eyes,
Hello girl.

And hello friend.

(You will realize)
And the truth is always something
You would never know is true.
I guess I can't deny it, no you can't deny it.
I really need you.

Hello friend
Hello friend
Hello friend

I guess I can't deny it, no you can't deny it.
I really need you.
Hello friend.
(Hello Friend by S Club 7)

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