Like me, you probably slept through both of this morning's "once-in-a-lifetime events," namely:
1. the clock striking 12:34:56 on 07/08/09;
2. the clock striking 04:05:06 on 07/08/09.
Lest you think it was no big deal, reporters across the country scrounged up numerologists to explain the deep significance of it all.
"It's a good day to make money and have good health,"
said Betsy Carlson in the Palm Springs Desert Sun.
"I like to think every day is a good day to play the lottery,"
said "intuitive counselor" Barbara Evans in the Richmond Times-Dispatch.
Williams College mathematician Edward Burger was having none of it.
"It's a very silly thing," he told the San Antonio Express-News.
Folks in countries like England, where today's date is 08/07/09, must have been inclined to agree.
Dikutip dari UrbanLegends,
sebenarnya hari ini gk posting apa-apa sih,
cuman hari ini muncul angka yang luar biasa,
baru bisa terjadi 1000 tahun lagi x yah pas tahun 3009. Haha.
(Maaf juga gk diterjemahkan,
soalnya sederhana ajah bahasan nih hari. Hehe)
Jam 12 siang, menit ke-34, detik ke-56,
tanggal 7 bulan 8 tahun 2009.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Angka langka yang jarang ditemukan dalam kehidupan kita loh.
Terakhir itu yang gw posting di blog y 08/08/08. Hehe.
Yah, saat yang gw dah gk mungkin ada lagi;
1 millenium lagi gituh lohhh.. Haha.
Jadi hari ini ngasih satu quote ajah d:
"The Future is something which everyone reaches at the rate of sixty minutes an hour,
whatever he does, whoever he is. "
(C.S. Lewis)
whatever he does, whoever he is. "
(C.S. Lewis)
+Lyrics of the day+
I’ve been sitting, watching life pass from the sidelines
Been waiting for a dream to seep in through my blinds
I wondered what might happen if I left this all behind
Would the wind be at my back
Could I get you off my mind
This time
(This Time by Jonathan Rhys Meyers)
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