Saturday, January 24, 2009

‡ Footprints in Time ‡

Two young lovers, Walking on the sand,
Gazing at each other, Talking hand in hand,
The prints they leave behind them,
Marking memories of the past,
The long beach laid before them,
Hoping love will last,
The ocean captures the footprints,
And erases them from the shore,
Taking with it remembrances,
And leaving them with more,

Many years have passed,
Time flies when you're having fun,
And before you know it innocence fades,
And the teen years are done,
Now she's back on the beach,
Except she is alone,
Watching and waiting,
For the love that hadn't grown,
She walks along the ocean,
Two footprints, not four,
Wondering where the laughter went,
Why he didn't love her more,
Then she stops to sit,
And draws his name in the sand,
A celestial stranger comes along,
And reaches out a hand,
Hesitantly she takes it,
And he listens to her cries,
He's been there before,
He's heard many lies,
They decide to walk,
And she follows, not knowing why,

Love will always be reborn again,
Even if it may die,
She is more cautious than before,
And as she looks back at the footprints,
She smiles seeing not two, but four,
This time will be different,
Her heart trying to say,
Something magical happened,
She felt it the first day,
Something clicked when they touched,
A jolt from inside,
She knew he'd be there always,
If she had something to confide,

Now here it is twenty years later,
And his love for her,
Is now even greater,
He looks at her like the first time they met,
And despite all the years gone by,
They can never forget,
Those four special footprints,
That are never washed away,
They'll stay forever on her heart,
Until their dying day.


Dari Aftherhours Inspirational Story,
alunan kata ini gw dedikasikan khusus,
karena hari ini menjadi hari yang sangat perlu gw ingat.

Gw merasakan kehilangan terbesar di hidup gw sekaligus kebahagiaan indah di hari yang sama ini.

Semoga gw bisa makin dewasa setelahnya.. =)

Jejak kaki yang kita tinggalkan di atas pasir pasti akan terhapus oleh ombak laut,
seperti halnya apa yang kita lakukan untuk orang yang kita sayangi mungkin tak bersisa.

Tapi yang ada hanyalah memori yang terukir dalam ingatan;
bukan bentuk materi dan fisik yang mengingatkan,
tetapi kehangatan dan rasa cinta yang pernah hidup kembali dikenang ketika kita berusaha mencari "jejak" yang pernah ada.

Let me give you all one of my favorite songs.. =)

+Lyrics of the day+
Melukiskanmu saat senja
Memanggil namamu ke ujung dunia
Tiada yang lebih pilu
Tiada yang menjawabku selain hatiku
Dan ombak berderu

Di pantai ini kau slalu sendiri
Tak ada jejakku di sisimu
Namun saat ku tiba
Suaraku memanggilmu akulah lautan
Ke mana kau s'lalu pulang

Jingga di bahuku
Malam di depanku
Dan bulan siaga sinari langkahku
Ku terus berjalan
Ku terus melangkah
Kuingin kutahu engkau ada

Memandangimu saat senja
Berjalan di batas dua dunia
Tiada yang lebih indah
Tiada yang lebih rindu
Selain hatiku
Andai engkau tahu

Di pantai itu kau tampak sendiri
Tak ada jejakku di sisimu
Namun saat kau rasa
Pasir yang kau pijak pergi akulah lautan
Memeluk pantaimu erat

Jingga di bahumu
Malam di depanmu
Dan bulan siaga sinari langkahmu
Teruslah berjalan
Teruslah melangkah
Ku tahu kau tahu aku ada
(Aku Ada by Dee feat. Arina "Mocca")

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