Tuesday, April 07, 2009

‡ Movies-Waiting-List ‡

Yup, seperti judul postingan ini,

gw lagi mau menulis apa ajah sih film2 yang lagi gw tunggu bwt gw tonton.. Wkwk.

Yap, kelanjutan dari film dengan tokoh utama Captain Jack Sparrow yang diperankan oleh Johnny Depp ini melanjutkan ending yang menarik dari film terakhirnya Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End.

I watched the movie since the first one,
so I totally will watch this fourth movie as well!

Film keenam yang diangkat dari novel berjudul sama karya J.K. Rowling ini katanya akan dirilis bulan Juni 2009. Tanggal rilisnya sudah sempat diundur, membuat fans menjadi penasaran dengan film ini.

Official Plot Summary:
"Voldemort is tightening his grip on both the Muggle and wizarding worlds and Hogwarts is no longer the safe haven it once was. Harry suspects that dangers may even lie within the castle, but Dumbledore is more intent upon preparing him for the final battle that he knows is fast approaching. Together they work to find the key to unlock Voldemort’s defenses and, to this end, Dumbledore recruits his old friend and colleague, the well-connected and unsuspecting bon vivant Professor Horace Slughorn, whom he believes holds crucial information. Meanwhile, the students are under attack from a very different adversary as teenage hormones rage across the ramparts. Harry finds himself increasingly drawn to Ginny, and so is Dean Thomas. Lavender Brown has decided that Ron is the one for her, only she hasn’t counted on Romilda Vane’s chocolates. Then there’s Hermione, simmering with jealousy but determined not to show her feelings. As romance blossoms, one student remains aloof. He is determined to make his mark, albeit a dark one. Love is in the air, but tragedy lies ahead, and Hogwarts may never be the same again."

Sayangnya sih denger2 bakalan banyak banget perbedaan antara nih film dan bukunya..

Gw belom pernah nonton film Sherlock Holmes sebelumnya, jadi gw pengen banget nonton film ini. Dengan Robert Downey, Jr. (Iron Man, Tropic Thunder) yang berperan sebagai si Sherlock Holmes dan Jude Law (Cold Mountain, Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events) sebagai Watson, I'm waiting for this movie.

"Set in 1891, the film revolves around Holmes and Watson stopping a conspiracy to destroy Britain. The film opens with Holmes apprehending the murderous cult leader Lord Blackwood (Mark Strong), who promises he will return from the dead and exact his revenge as he is being led to the gallows."

Film dari kisah karya Charles Dickens ini terkenal tentunya dan sudah banyak versi yang beredar, salah satunya adalah karya Disney. I know about the storyline, tetapi yang membuat gw tertarik adalah pemeran utamanya yaitu Jim Carrey.

Dia akan memerankan sang tokoh utama yang bernama Ebenezer Scrooge yang dihantui tiga hantu: masa lalu, masa kini, dan masa depan, masing-masing diperankan oleh dirinya sendiri juga.

"A Christmas Carol is a Victorian morality tale of an old and bitter miser, Ebenezer Scrooge, who undergoes a profound experience of redemption over the course of one night. Mr. Scrooge is a financier/money-changer who has devoted his life to the accumulation of wealth. He holds anything other than money in contempt, including friendship, love and the Christmas season. But a chance encounter with the ghostly figure of Jacob Marley sets the stage for a mysterious and magical encounter with three phantasmic beings to help him realize the true magic of Christmas itself."

Diangkat dari novel berjudul sama yang kebetulan baru gw beli sekitar sebulan lalu, tanggal rilis film ini adalah Januari, tapi anehnya gw belum menemukan kehadirannya di Indonesia sampai sekarang.

Dibintangi oleh Brendan Fraser (The Mummy, Journey to the Center of the Earth), Inkheart adalah film dengan genre fantasi yang cukup unik walaupun bukunya sendiri belum selesai gw baca.

Berkisah tentang Mortimer "Mo" Folchart dan anak perempuannya yang berusia 12 tahun, Meggie, keduanya sangat mencintai buku. Rahasia yang disimpan oleh Mo adalah bahwa ia bisa mengeluarkan karakter dari sebuah buku, sayangnya harus menukarkan eksistensi seseorang di dunia nyata.

Bayangkan jika karakter jahat memanfaatkan kekuatan itu?

5 Film untuk saya tunggu-tunggu nih... :D

+Lyrics of the day+
If I fall
If I break
If I lose myself in someone
If I give all I am it'll be with you
When I'm ready to take
All that you want me to give
It will be worth the wait
Worth the wait
It will be worth the wait
(Worth The Wait by Jordin Sparks)

2 issues:

Veronica Xu said...

Woah! Film2nya mantep2! Iya, nih! Gw juga pengen bangt nonton Inkheart (udh bli bukunya juga :p) tapi kok ga nongol2... T.T

Erlia Eleciel said...

hooh, sama.. haha.
buku gw jg ada, tapi gk tau dimanah nih,
blom kelar baca padahal.. hikz.

menunggu harpot juga. wkwk.